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The Magical I Am™ Team

Bill Allen

Bill Allen

Founder. Magical I Am, Inc

Bill’s own lifelong struggle as a dyslexic inspired him to begin tutoring children to read by instructing them with the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. It has been Bill’s passion to develop a way to teach dyslexic children. Bill has a BBA degree from Georgia State University.

Sunil Thankamushy

Sunil Thankamushy

Principal Game Director

Sunil has been in the gaming industry for over 20 years. Before starting his own company DEEPBLUE Worlds, Inc. and becoming a professor of Animation & Gaming at Mt San Antonio college in LA, Sunil worked at DreamWorks Interactive as Lead Animator (“Lost World of Jurassic Park™” & “Medal of Honor™”) and as Animation Lead (“Medal of Honor Frontline™”.

Marcia Hart

Marcia Hart

Magical I Am Director of Educational Content
Hart to Heart Wellness

Marcia Hart brings to Magical I Am™ 50 Years of Experience in Teaching, Transformational Facilitation, Stress Release, How We Learn, Self-Regulation, and Brain-Body Integration.

Marcia helped develop Magical I Am's™ Digital Game Mechanic, Bindu - A revolutionary digital approach for gaming focus and orientation.

Tyler E. Johnson

Tyler E. Johnson

Senior VP Business Development

Tyler comes from a multi-generational family of professional educators with a strong emphasis on ensuring children know how to read. He has witnessed the power of edutainment first-hand with his three daughters, all of whom thrived when introduced to learning in a digital gaming environment.

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