Concept of Self Builds as the Child Identifies with Their Digital Avatar

Why the Avatar?

To expedite the learning to read process and the goal of enjoying successful reading, children need to internally view and experience what they are reading, hearing, and writing. The digital avatar provides a unique vehicle for connecting to and developing the identity of self. As the player connects with the activities of their avatar, they begin to experience everything their avatar is going through, and it is as though it is the actual player who is going through the action. 

We make this connection or embodiment with the avatar possible by using an unusual game mechanic that we refer to as “Go to The Spot”. In brief, this sky village game mechanic uses the accelerometer and the gyroscope of your mobile device, and other technology to bring the player into the game from time to time as self, as me, as I.   

The player sees their own movements and characteristics represented in their skin in the game, the digital avatar, in a manner of speaking. As digital Avatar they make choices and feel a direct connection to the game avatar. Using this unusual game mechanic, the player can experience embodiment with their avatar in a deeper and richer manner, growing personally, and making the learning words and symbols more concrete to them. 

The goal is for children to strongly identify with themselves as the center of the action or description that is taking place within the adventures of   

Since the 3-D learner student, often referred to as a dyslexic, often has a difficult time making a connection between their actions and the resulting consequences of their behavior, working with their avatar helps them to make connections between their actions and the consequences. Whether it’s acquiring a major concept, being accountable for a characteristic in their lives, or simply mastering a word, 3-D learners need to embed their concept of “self” into the picture that they are forming about any task. With “self “as the avatar, a player identifies with the actions taking place, and literally makes them real in their ever-creative, imaginary minds. 

Learn to Read, so you can Read to Learn.™

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